Detox Yourself to Maximize Energy

Next to air, it’s your body’s most critical resource. Don’t get enough in even a short period of time and your energy levels can plummet, while your ability to detox evaporates. So how much water do you need to maximize your energy and detox your body?
Why Water Intake Is Essential for Energy
It may come as a surprise to learn we’re mostly water. Your body is comprised of up to 60% water (for women it’s closer to 55%). But it’s not the same everywhere. According to the USGS, the brain is 70% water, the lungs are nearly 90%, and your blood is 83%, while body fat is merely 10% water. All of which makes sense given the role of water in the body.
In our bodies, water is the mechanism by which the osmotic pressure of our cells is maintained (energy), how electrolyte balance is maintained (more energy), how nutrition is delivered to the cells (even more energy) and a mechanism for toxins and waste to be removed from cells for transport out of the body. No wonder we need so much water.
It stands to reason that if you don’t get enough water, all the systems depending on it just can’t work efficiently. So how does water works in the body?
Water Hydrates Red Blood Cells for More Energy
Every single cell of the body requires the proper amount of water to perform its functions, and that’s true of red blood cells which we rely on for natural energy. That’s where osmotic pressure comes in. It’s the hydraulic pressure that helps the cell keep its shape and function. And the shape of a red blood cell matters a lot.
A red blood cell needs to be round, plump and free flowing for the job of delivering oxygen to the cells. If that red blood cell is misshapen from dehydration, its ability to capture oxygen from the lungs is impaired and before long you’re lacking energy and feeling tired. And oxygen means energy.
Electrolytes and Nutrition need Water to Nourish Cells
Water is called the “universal solvent” since it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. And that’s essential for your health, since when water goes through your body, it brings along valuable vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients you need for nourishment.
It’s not just athletes or weekend warriors that need electrolytes. We all do, since they regulate the electrical impulses of the body which tells the cells what, when and how to perform their function. And water is the transport vehicle for electrolytes.
Water Helps to Wash Out Toxins for Detoxification
It doesn’t just bring the good inside, water is also essential for washing away the toxins stored in your body (the CDC says we have 212 environmental toxins in our blood, ugh).
Water is the only fluid that will transport toxins from the cells to the kidneys, skin, lungs or liver for excretion. When detoxing the body, you need extra water to maintain optimal kidney and liver function, so you can avoid any detox “symptoms” such as headaches, achiness or feeling bloated. When combined with the natural mineral clinoptilolite, water helps the body eliminate the toxins quickly, instead of recirculating them.
How Much Water Should You Drink Every Day?
When it comes to water consumption, you’ll need not too much, not too little, but just right. Opinions are mixed on how much water to drink daily. Some say drink half your body weight in ounces per day. Others suggest sticking to 8 glasses.
On average, you’ll need to replace 2.4 liters of water daily through food and water. That adds up to about 9 to 11 cups a day (more if you’re active).
Then there’s how to drink it. And that’s when you want go with a “just right” approach of sipping throughout the day. Well you do if you want a happy digestive system.
Too much water while eating dilutes the hydrochloric acid in the stomach leading to digestive discomfort. Too little water can cause the acid level to elevate, and heartburn follows.
A dehydrated colon leads to constipation (unpleasant for you), and not enough water in the small intestine concentrates food where it can ferment (unpleasant for everyone). Try sipping 3 to 4 ounces at a time for optimal hydration.
Are All Liquids the Same for Hydration?
Some say all fluids count towards your water intake. Yet coffee can have a dehydrating effect on the body. And soda (particularly colas) can deplete the body of minerals and other vital nutrition.
Why expend needed energy and enzymes to break down other beverages into a form your body can use? Pure water provides pure hydration just like nature intended.
And since it’s freely available (and often free), there’s no reason to reach for anything but a glass of pure water to maximize your natural energy and help detox your body.